Many concussion specialists recommend having chiropractic treatment (or osteopathy or physiotherapy) soon after a concussion to clear up any issues with your skull or neck, which are apparently common after receiving an impact to the head, and which can be holding up your recovery.

I didn’t find this out till years after my concussion and came upon chiropractic treatment by chance, when I was looking for a place to get red light therapy. By sheer good fortune not only did I find a NovoTHOR red light bed in Cardiff, not far from where my partner lives, but in the same clinic found a chiropracter (Ben Mathew) with experience of treating (and having) concussions. After an initial 8 sessions over three weeks, I was much more clear-headed, my memory and concentration improved and, most importantly, I started to lose the sense of detachment and disconnection I’d had for the last two years. I felt like I’d been plugged back in.

I refer to him as a chiropracter but as of 2023, he is practising as a spinologist, specialising in zone technique and advanced cranial techniques. You can find him and a NovoTHOR bed at The House of Human Potential (Cardiff).

Not all chiropracters are trained or experienced in treating head injuries so you would want to check this first. Ben Mathew recommends Donald Francis at Tweed Chiropractic in the Scottish Borders, who is certified as a Cranial Chiropracter.

Mainstream doctors can be sceptical of the benefits of chiropractic treatment (or any ‘alternative’ treatment) but there is growing scientific evidence for, and understanding of, the effect of chiropractic treatment on the brain (e.g., chiropractic spinal adjustments can affect pain processing in the prefrontal cortex of the brainĀ  and improve processing times on mental tasks).